Our Certificates Twenty years plus of award winning services.
I have spent many years challenging those who purport to be experts and have gained many enemies who publish false information regarding my work ethics and accreditations. I have therefor published my certificates and background for general inspection.
Building Forensics prides itself on its broad based competence based on training certification, equipment and capability to undertake world wide and national or local projects with equal consideration.
We are at the forefront of technology in assessment and remediation and can almost certainly assist in identifying or assessing building related illness or water damage issues.
CV Biography of Jeff Charlton 07990 500 999
Disaster recovery, restoration and decontamination. Counter terrorism specialising in defence of buildings and protection of occupants. Contingency planning and resilience. Focusing on building related illness since 2010
*Current positions
* Member of Surviving Mold (sic) and International Society for Environmental Acquired Illness (ISEAI) group of Indoor Environmental Hygienists writing USA and international standards on water damage and biological investigations for environmental acquired illness. * Listed as Council Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant with oldest USA recognised environmental certification body https://www.acac.org/find/international.aspx * Certified Member of Chartered Institute of Environmental Health UK * Contracted to European Commission on Terrorist CBRN planning and response. Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) https://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/scheer_en * Qualified member Emergency Planning Society professional working group on terrorism CBRN Worked with Mi5 at Thames house in a team to design building defence against terrorist CBR attack in the capital and central business district. From my developed www.cbr-response.com web site and basis for BRE paper. Presented to House of Commons select committee on failures in flood response and recovery. Ref EV w2 https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmselect/cmenvfru/330/330vw.pdf Worked with National Counter Terrorist Office (Chris Philips) at Thames House rolling out national program on CBRN defence and awareness /response Worked with Police at Central training college to assess Lockerbie and local response to widespread disaster and secondary attack by insurgents Worked with police at Ryton police CBRN centre to develop strategies to evacuate and protect CBRN casualties Worked with National Health and fire services to audit response to terrorist attack in Reading hospital and local shopping mal Worked with Emergency Planners at Morton in Marsh to develop contingency plans for wide spread natural or terrorist radiological event Working with Cabinet office and Government decontamination service, wrote and presented terrorist CBR attack on London shopping centre using available CBR agents designed to be lethal in combination. Provided a review of CBR terrorist response at RUSI (Whitehall) https://rusi.org/publication/contingency-plans-terrorist-cbr-attack Presented various strategies on natural disaster recovery techniques to Emergency Planning Society Visiting lecturer at Cranfield Royal Military College in CBRNe (Tony Moor) Presented CBRN defence protocols to FBI and Homeland Security in Kentucky USA Provided seminars to Emergency planners on flood and disaster recovery Developed novel techniques for IED detection and presented at Porton Down Provided seminars at EMP conference on Gaussian dispersal around Hot Zones and PPE limitations of emergency responders Sat on EU committee in Brussels on CWA 16106.10 for the development and publication of victim and emergency services response to terrorist CBRN event. Now a British standard Provided a CBRN terrorism scenario on shipping http://gcaptain.com/what-if-chemical-biological-radiation-attack-san-francisco/ Speaker CBRN conference USA with Homeland Defense & FBI https://www.slideshare.net/dirrtybass/cbrn2011pdfw Over 30 years worldwide experience in disaster recovery and restoration involving floods, fires and explosions as well as general and specific decontamination and sanitation, including mould and associated biological contaminants. Trained with internationally recognised industry leaders such as Cliff Zlotnik, Pat Moffatt, Marty King, Jim Holland and Professor Ronald Alvin and Tony Gibbs (Porton Down) in all areas of disaster recovery, restoration and decontamination. Obtained highest practical and technically appropriate qualifications throughout career. I have been Involved with mould & biological health issues since 1999. Initially obtained US qualifications, as Britain had none. Made initial funding available and became founding chairman of British Damage Management Association UK. Achieved accredited associate membership with Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and USA Board Certified (ANSI) Certified Indoor Environmental Hygienist Post-Gulf War in Kuwait at times employing over 500 decontamination personnel working in hazardous conditions to restore hotels, oil fields and strategic government buildings. Provide scope of works to US Corps of Engineers for restoration of Emirs' palaces, Ministries of Electricity and Water and ministry of Awqaf and Islamic affairs. Working with world-wide organisations, exposed to the very best technology and forensic investigators and have applied their technologies, approach and resources in the UK. Skilled in using state of the art analysis and measurement technology and equipment. I have established strong links with specialists in affiliated industries to provide supporting expertise and evidence. This includes utilising ISO accredited laboratories, particularly in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) testing. Acted as both consulting and testifying expert in various disputes, including testimony as Sole Joint Expert under Part 35 and including the Financial Ombudsman, in cases involving building related damage, design and construction defects, toxic mould identification and analysis, and building related health effects. Successfully challenged UK experts and laboratories on possible building contamination and exposure issues, providing clear evidence and repeatable laboratory analysis complying with the World Health Organization Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality "Dampness and Mould" (2009) and reflecting British Standards. Peer-voted awards, including Contingency Insurance Risk (CIR) Lifetime Achievement Award (2013), CIR Disaster Recovery of the Year (2001, 1999) shortlist (2002), as well as awards for Innovative Product (BANG 2010, CIR 2010, and CBON 2001, training in counter terrorism). Participated on Standards, Setting professional bodies; training; emergency planning seminars. Invited to speak in the Hoouse Of Commons at Parliamentary Joint Committee on Flood Insurance headed by Jonathan Evans MP to provide evidence on flood restoration and criticising industry response February 2014 Frequent guest on Sky TV, BBC TV and radio, ITV and Channel 4. Participated as invited technical expert to EU and British standards committees on diverse issues covering Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Counter Terrorism and victim support and response to terrorist CBR event. Visiting lecturer in counter terrorism at Cranfield Royal Military College under Tony Moore, speaker at various international conferences on counter terrorism and specializing in CBRN events and pandemic contingency planning, including FBI and Homeland Defence. Short listed Emergency Planning Society in 2014 Innovative training awards in disaster recovery Designed and presented novel solutions to Car bomb and road side IEDs to Ministry of Defence at Porton Down 2011 2018 Wrote and presented a seminar on anthrax and CBR decontamination at MOD Larkhill Garrison for and on behalf of Emergency Planners, CBRN professional working group at Salisbury. SELECTED PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION AND ACCREDITATIONS Please note all subscriptions and positions ceased
Recovery and Restoration. The following certifications cover all aspects of disaster recovery and restoration:
Certified Restorer USA (highest recognised industry certification) BDMA Senior Technician UK (Co-founded BDMA; Honorary Fellow; wrote the syllabus and exam questions) Business Continuity. Certified member BCI (relinquished) Chair London Forum Business Continuity Institute (relinquished) Co-founder BANG (alternative to BCI) Water Damage. Water Loss Specialist (RIA ASCR) Highest USA certification Applied Structural Drying Hydro lab USA Achieved Instructor status (95%+ with: IICRC; RIA; Drieaze; Provided technical input to IICRC S500 ANSI and S520 standards Wrote BDMA's current Technical Guidelines and Standards 2014, (BDMA refused to accept at executive level due to my refusal to drop toxic mould issues) Environmental Hygienist Member Chartered Institute of Environmental Hygienists (UK) Council Certified Indoor Environmental Hygienist (USA) (ANSI) Fire Damage. IICRC Instructor status Mould. Indoor Environmental Surveys ET&T USA American Congress of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 2002 Applied Microbial remediation Technician Restoration Consultants S520 USA IICRC AMRT American Council for Accredited Certification Indoor Environmental Hygienist Asbestos. Qualified and certified by British Institute of Occupational Health P405& P401 Licensed Asbestos removal supervisor; licensed asbestos contractor (relinquished) Engineering. ONC engineering City & Guilds Mechanical Craft Practice 1 & 11 https://cms.pm/uploads/files/buildingforensics.co.uk_--_953106146.pdf Certified associate member ISSE and Hon Fellow (relinquished) Sanitation and Decontamination. Certified Mechanical hygienist RIA USA Member Chartered Institute Environmental Hygienists American Indoor Air strategies Odour destruction and sanitation INTYG Sweden Counter Terrorism and Contingency Planning. Certified Homeland security (National Response Teams) USA Certified member Emergency Planning Society Professional working Group CBRN terrorism UK Visiting Lecturer Cranfield Royal military college under Tony Moor Forensic Investigation. Level 1 American College of Forensic Examiners Member Institute of American Forensic Examiners Crime Scene Meth Labs and Cannabis Farms. National Institute Decontamination (USA) Bio Recovery and Decontamination (UK) STANDARDS SETTING Wrote industry Guidelines and Standards for British Damage Management Association (BDMA) "Technical Ref Manual" and the portions of British Standards Institute (BSI) PAS 64 guidelines relating to national flood restoration guidelines. 2011 Wrote a presentation to Emergency Planning conference on novel approach to Anthrax (White Powder) event. Wrote and presented to Emergency Planning conference a desk top exercise on Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centre (CBRN) simulation of terrorist attack to shopping Centre in association with HPA Cabinet office and Government Decontamination Service 2007 to 2016 Assistance in writing various papers for British Standard Institute, BDMA, Insurance Industry Audits for flood restoration. Responsible for the formation and initial funding and founding chairman of the BDMA, Institute of Inspection Cleaning & Restoration (UK Fire & Flood) and Restoration Industry Association. Actively taken part in committees, debates and presentations. Previous chairman of BSI Business Continuity Institute London Forum and certified member of Emergency Planning Society CBRNe counter terrorism planning. Founder of Bio Recovery Decontamination International, Member of BSI standards committee on BS25999 on business continuity. Recognised expert on CBRN terrorism CEN and technical committee member for European Commission in Brussels etc CWA 16106:2010. Provided expert support to committees on: HVCA Ventilation and indoor air quality. Committee on ductwork sanitation standard TR series IICRC S520 mould standard for decontamination and clearance BSI PAS 64 Disaster restoration BSI Business continuity CEN (European Standards) CWA 16106, technical input on protection of EU citizen (600 million) in terrorist CBRN attack British Damage Management Association Exam questions and, mission statement. BDMA Technical Guidelines and Standards Disaster restoration and recovery (refused but not explained other than my refusal to comply with their requirements that mould is not toxic) 2016 Input to BS12999 and resultant complaint to Secretary of State and HSE with agreement the standard should be re written, leading tom HSE industry investigation 2017 Qualified in USA in HAZWOPA 40 Hour Health and Safety confined space and CBR decontamination 2018 Wrote and presented a seminar on anthrax and CBR decontamination at MOD Larkhill Garrison for and on behalf of Emergency Planners, CBRN professional working group at Salisbury. SELECTED INDUSTRY AWARDS 2013 awarded most prestigious Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant through American Council Accreditation Certification, recognised by US government agencies and UK NHS Aspergillus Centre as most appropriate qualification for mould and IAQ investigation Won, as lead technician, two UK (CIR) Disaster Recovery of the Year awards 1999-2001; runner up in three other years In 2013 won two awards with "Security on line emag" CBRN counter terrorism/contingency Trainer of the Year and Disaster Recovery trainer of the year awards. Won 'Lifetime achievement' award at the prestigious CIR awards and on 'Trainer of the Year' award for 'Counter Terrorism and Contingency' planning in 2013 2015 Contingency Insurance Awards Innovative product shortlisted 7 CPD training modules on water damage and contamination 2013 Lifetime Achievement industry voted CIR magazine 2013 Security Industry E-Mag Award - CBRN Training and Consultancy Provider of the Year 2010 BANG Innovative Product of the Year Award 2010 CIR Innovative Product of the Year Award 2003 Innovative Product of the Year Award 2002 UK (CIR) Disaster Recovery of the Year Award - shortlisted 2002 UK (CIR) Product Designer CBON Terrorist Attack Software training product 2002 UK (CIR) Disaster Recovery of the Year Award ' Lead Technician ' shortlisted 2001 Innovative Product of the Year CBON Terrorism Building Defence Program 2001 UK (CIR) Disaster Recovery of the Year Award Lead Technician - winner 1999 UK (CIR) Disaster Recovery of the Year Award ' Lead Technician ' winner I have been engaged in worldwide disaster recovery involving flooding, explosion, contamination and fire for over 25 years. I have attained the highest internationally recognised qualification as:
Certified Restorer, CR Water Loss Specialist, WLS Certified Mechanical Hygienist CMH Member Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant through American Council of Accredited Certification (ANSI-ISO) IEH (Indoor Environmental Hygienist) Senior Tech and Hon Fellow BDMA in the UK and founding chairman. Applied Microbial Restoration Technician IICRC AMRT Level 1 certification in Infra-red thermography. ( https://cms.pm/uploads/files/buildingforensics.co.uk_--_953106146.pdf )